Leiden University presents their recent work for SiTaSol at the SETAC Europe Annual Meeting.

  • Leiden University
  • Monday, May 4, 2020

Carlos Blanco and Stefano Cucurachi from Leiden University’s SiTaSol team presented their recent work at the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe 30th Annual Meeting. Stefano introduced the recently developed protocols for Global Sensitivity Analysis in LCA, while Carlos presented the results of a meta-analysis of LCA studies of emerging photovoltaics. The latter work introduced an innovative way to apply advanced statistical treatment, including Random Effects Models in systematic reviews of LCA studies. Stefano also served as chair for the session “Integrated Life Cycle Approaches for Decision Support towards Sustainable Development of Existing and Emerging Technologies, Products and Services”, which included more than 85 active participants from around the world.